
Inspired Orthodontics


Revolutionize Your Smile

The Inspired Orthodontics Team is thrilled to introduce LightForce Braces—the world's first tooth alignment system that combines digital planning and 3D printing to create fully customized dental braces. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of traditional braces and embrace a more predictable and efficient orthodontic treatment!

What is LightForce?

LightForce Braces are a cutting-edge alternative to traditional braces, giving patients accurate and efficient treatment with fewer trips to the orthodontist's office. LightForce braces are tailored to the unique size and shape of each patient's teeth to guarantee a perfect fit for optimal results.

About the LightForce System

The LightForce system comprises four main components:

  • Custom-Printed Brackets: These white brackets with customizable slots and bases offer precise control over teeth movement.
  • LightForce Software: Orthodontists use LightForce software to craft a custom treatment plan based on digital scans of your mouth.
  • LightTray: Custom-designed 3D-printed indirect bonding (IBD) trays enhance the accuracy of brace placement.
  • Bite Turbos: Optional miniature trays for bite correction help avoid unwanted tooth contact during treatment.

What Makes LightForce Different?

Traditional braces use prefabricated brackets that often require multiple adjustments and visits to achieve the desired results. LightForce braces, on the other hand, are customized to fit perfectly from the start, reducing the need for frequent appointments and adjustments, resulting in less time in the orthodontist's chair with more predictable results.

How Does


The LightForce treatment process is streamlined and efficient, beginning with a thorough consultation where your orthodontist will explain the treatment process.


Next, a special camera will capture high resolution 3D images of your teeth to provide the foundation for creating your custom braces. Using LightForce software, we develop a tailored treatment plan designed for your specific dental needs. Once the plan is approved, your custom braces and trays are 3D-printed. Finally, the brackets are applied directly to your teeth with custom trays to ensure precise placement for the most efficient treatment.

Benefits of LightForce Braces

  • Improved Precision : Thanks to three-dimensional treatment planning and custom 3D printing, LightForce braces are precisely fined tuned to fit your teeth.
  • Reduced Treatment Time: Accurate planning minimizes treatment duration, and fewer visits are needed for adjustments.
  • Optimal Results: Precise treatment plans lead to better outcomes, enhancing your smile and dental health.

Experience the future of braces with LightForce at Inspired Orthodontics! Let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Let's Talk About Lightforce. Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation.

The team at Inspired Orthodontics is exicted to help you begin your Orthodontic journey the right way. Our thorough exams and smile analyses are based on esthetics, and founded in science and biology. We will work with your dentist and other health care providers to coordinate your treatment through a team approach. Please contact our practice in Seattle or Bellevue to schedule an appointment.

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