

We see many adult orthodontic patients in our practice.

Our orthodontists' training and expertise give them the tools to treat adults with predictability and efficiency. They all understand the nuances of moving teeth while protecting the gums, bones, and joints. Our orthodontists in Seattle and Bellevue have extensive training in treating simple and complex cases with both braces and clear aligners.

Healthy teeth can be moved at any age

There is no such thing as being too old for braces. However, orthodontic treatment for adults is different than for children. Adult jaws are no longer growing, so the orthodontic treatment plans are different. Additionally, the bones, gums, and TMJs respond differently to treatment.

Surgical cases and airway treatment. We have a greater understanding of sleep apnea and airway today. Many sleep and airway-related issues stem from underlying discrepancies in the jaws. If we can get the jaws in the right place, we can open up the airway – helping patients breathe better, sleep better, and experience a greater quality of life.

Non-surgical alternatives. Have you been told that you need jaw surgery but you do not want to pursue it? Our practice offers multiple newer and innovative ways to align the teeth and sometimes bone in a stable and predictable way while avoiding jaw surgery.

Our goal is a beautiful smile at two locations
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