
News Blog

Narrow Upper Jaw & Sleep Apnea Issues

In this short clip from The Doc Podcast, Dr. Deluke and Dr. Bockow discuss the current scientific literature supporting a correlation between patients with narrower upper jaw width and the prevalence of sleep-related breathing disorders such as sleep apnea. ...
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Understanding the Naso-Maxillary Complex

Recent orthodontic research has revealed that the size and shape of the naso-maxillary complex affect not only the shape of the face but also breath volume and sleep quality. Better nasal breathing is possible through orthodontic intervention. - maxillary expansion can help improve your quality of sleep and overall well-being....
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Impact of Rapid Maxillary Expansion on Nasal Volume

A 2009 study conducted by Haralmbidis et al. sheds light on a correlation between orthodontic intervention and respiratory health. They observed any changes in the nose's shape and size using 3-dimensional computer imaging before and after the upper jaw was widened and found that the nasal volume increased by an average of 11.3%....
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Adult Treatment Timeline


February 29, 2024 in Education

Adult Treatment Timeline

In this video, Dr. Bockow shares her orthodontic treatment timeline for adults, incorporating her interdisciplinary approach with a focus on airway and immediate attention to sleep issues and apnea. From Myofunctional therapy to an ENT evaluation and an assessment on the need for oral surgery, each patient is sure to receive a thorough diagnosis....
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Interdisciplinary Pediatric Treatment

In a uniquely interdisciplinary approach, Dr. Bockow's treatment of her pediatric patients often involves the expertise of the child's sleep physician, ENT, myofunctional therapist, restorative dentist, pediatric dentist, and others. Learn more about how each discipline is incorporated throughout the child’s treatment timeline in this brief lecture clip....
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Myofunctional Therapy


January 1, 2024 in Education

Myofunctional Therapy

Join Dr. Bockow for a brief explanation of Myofunctional Therapy - a perhaps surprisingly effective method for reducing AHI, an index of sleep apnea events per night. This interesting therapy focuses on exercises targeting the lips, tongue, and oral structures in order to strengthen the associated muscles, improve tongue posture, and promote nasal breathing....
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Open Bites and Oral Habits


December 1, 2023 in Education

Open Bites and Oral Habits

Kids sometimes develop oral habits in their early years that can have serious ramifications on their dental health. As Dr. Bockow explains, pacifier use and thumb-sucking are primary examples of habits that can linger after early childhood and contribute to the development of poor tongue posture and lead to an open bite....
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Functions of the Nose


November 5, 2023 in Education

Functions of the Nose

Did you know that nasal breathing has many health benefits including killing bacteria, increasing oxygen absorption, increasing blood circulation, and improving lung volume? In this short video, Dr. Bockow explains how the functions of the nose accomplish these things and many more....
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Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children

Learn about the six independent red flags for sleep-disordered breathing in children as Orthodontist Rebecca Bockow continues to educate and inform on important sleep and airway issues troubling our kids today. ...
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Orthodontic Goals


September 1, 2023 in Education

Orthodontic Goals

In this latest lecture excerpt, Dr. Bockow examines the foundational goals that orthodontists aim to achieve in treating patients: harmony, beauty, and function....
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Airway and Children: Long-term Benefits

Learn about the stunning study in which 80% of involved children changed their breathing pattern from mouth to nasal breathing, and 50% saw a decrease in instances of colds, respiratory infections, nasal allergies, and asthma....
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Treatment Options for Impacted Canines

A child with impacted canines may have more options than commonly expected. In this case study, Dr. Bockow demonstrates that through careful and slow expansion, it is often possible to preserve all of the child's teeth and give them a great foundation for a beautiful smile. ...
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Making Room for Adult Teeth


April 5, 2023 in Education

Making Room for Adult Teeth

In this lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow explains how when a child's jaw doesn't have enough room for their adult teeth, many orthodontists will recommend removal. But Dr. Bockow has a different perspective. As the mother of one of her patients said, "There has to be a different way!"...
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Insufficient Sleep and the Developing Brain

Not getting enough sleep can have adverse effects on the developing brain. Over time, continual insufficient sleep may impair neurodevelopment in ways that can be measured on brain scans and tests. Let's recognize and treat these problems early!...
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Ortho Function and Speech


February 21, 2023 in Education

Ortho Function and Speech

In this lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow explains how orthodontists have a unique opportunity to support articulation and speech through early orthodontic expansion....
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Tongue Posture in Young Children


December 17, 2022 in Education

Tongue Posture in Young Children

In this brief lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow warns about the early childhood habits that may contribute to improper jaw development and dental crossbite. Habits to watch out for include persistent mouth breathing and excessive use of pouches or straws at a very young age....
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Considering Dental Arch Shape


November 25, 2022 in Education

Considering Dental Arch Shape

In this brief lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow shares an interesting perspective on how the bone structure of the upper and lower jaw may affect a patient's tongue posture and airway negatively, even if the teeth appear to be acceptably positioned....
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Non-Surgical Adult Expansion


October 26, 2022 in Education

Non-Surgical Adult Expansion

In this brief lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow presents her creative treatment of an adult female with an extremely narrow upper jaw. The crowded upper teeth need room if they are to fit properly and aesthetically, and this will require a unique expansion strategy....
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Bimaxillary Expansion


September 24, 2022 in Education

Bimaxillary Expansion

In this brief lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow demonstrates the remarkable results possible for children with severely crowded teeth when treated with early jaw expansion techniques. Note that the final position of the patient's teeth shown has been achieved without the use of braces or clear aligners....
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The Gummy Smile in Children


August 30, 2022 in Education

The Gummy Smile in Children

In this brief lecture clip, Dr. Rebecca Bockow points to some telltale signs of problematic dental development, including the presence of mamelons (small bumps on the ridges of the teeth) in older children....
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Retainers After Orthodontic Treatment

After the active phase of your orthodontic treatment is complete, nearly every patient will need to wear a retainer to prevent their teeth from shifting. Retainers allow the bone that holds your teeth to rebuild after teeth have moved and are critical to the long-term stability of treatment results. ...
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Keep Your Invisalign® Aligners Clean

When undergoing orthodontics with Invisalign®, keeping your teeth and aligners clean and free from bacteria is essential. Placing a dirty tray on dirty teeth will only trap harmful bacteria on your teeth – accelerating the development of cavities....
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3D X-rays


April 29, 2022 in Education

3D X-rays

The technologically advanced 3D imaging used at Inspired Orthodontics creates an accurate picture of tooth and jaw structure, airway dimensions, and possible airway blockages, including tonsils and adenoids....
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea


February 28, 2022 in Education

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a breathing disorder that causes intermittent airflow blockage during sleep and is seen in all age groups. Treating obstructive sleep apnea is incredibly important for your health. To treat your sleep or airway disorder, we must first understand the root of the cause....
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Early Orthodontic Treatment


January 28, 2022 in Education

Early Orthodontic Treatment

In life, timing is everything, and this is especially true when it comes to your child’s orthodontic treatment. A misaligned jaw or early signs of airway issues and other skeletal or growth issues may be missed without a professional examination....
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December 30, 2021 in Education


It’s never too late to begin orthodontic treatment! The Inspired Orthodontics team has the training and expertise to treat adults with consistency and efficiency, understand the nuances of moving teeth while protecting the gums, bones, and joints....
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Mouth Breathing


November 22, 2021 in Education

Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing is an abnormal breathing pattern in which the mouth remains open, passing air directly to the lungs, and is related to alterations in the muscular function of the tongue and face. Although mouth breathing may start from a physical difficulty, it can become a habitual action that is hard to break....
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Invisalign for Teens


October 29, 2021 in Education

Invisalign for Teens

Many cosmetic issues can affect your self-esteem and confidence; a misaligned smile can be one of those issues. Inspired Orthodontics in Seattle, WA, and Bellevue, WA, offers Invisalign treatment to correct a wide range of dental problems such as crowded and crooked teeth as well as gaps and overbites....
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Spear Education Faculty


January 20, 2020 in Education

Spear Education Faculty

Dr. Bockow, resident faculty member of Spear Education, serves as an instructor in Spear’s Interdisciplinary Treatment of Esthetic Dilemmas seminar....
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Virtual Exam